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Mebane Cleaning Service Blog

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As the summer sun begins to shine brighter, it's the perfect time to refresh your living space with a thorough cleaning. At Clean Away Maids of North Carolina, we understand the importance of a clean and tidy home, especially during the summer months when we tend to spend more time indoors.

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As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, it's the perfect time to refresh your living space with a thorough spring cleaning. Clean Away Maids LLC offers top-notch house cleaning services to help you usher in the season of renewal. Discover essential tips to achieve a sparkling home with our professional cleaning services.

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As the winter holiday season approaches, North Carolina homeowners are eager to welcome friends and family into their homes to celebrate and create joyful memories. However, before the festivities begin, it's essential to ensure that your home is clean, organized, and guest-ready. While our Clean Away Maids team highly recommends investing in professional residential cleaning, there are a few things you can do on your own to make your home shine!

Read on as we guide you through some helpful cleaning tips and preparations to ready your home for the holiday season and holiday guests. Schedule your cleaning service with us today!

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As the leaves start to change color and the air gets chillier, it's a sure sign that winter is just around the corner. Before you cozy up indoors, it's essential to make sure your home is clean and ready for the colder months ahead. At Clean Away Maids in Mebane, NC, we understand the importance of a clean and comfortable living space, especially during winter. In today’s blog post, we'll share four pre-winter cleaning tips to help you prepare your home for the upcoming season!

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Swedish death cleaning is a new method of cleaning that has been increasingly popular in recent years — and it’s not as scary as it sounds! If you’ve ever lost a family member, you know that cleaning out their home isn’t easy. Going through someone’s stuff after they’re gone is a heartbreaking process, and Swedish death cleaning is a way of decluttering when you are in the later stage of life.


In today’s blog post, we’re sharing tips for decluttering your house that actually work! Like any type of house cleaning, it’s best to stay on top of cleaning so that you’re only doing a little tidying up every day instead of a giant deep clean once a month. One of the best ways to keep a tidy home is to hire a maid service like Clean Away Maids. But it’s also important to keep up with smaller daily tasks between cleaning, and these tips will help you do just that! Continue reading to learn more and if you live in Mebane or the surrounding area and are ready to hire professional cleaning services, contact us today.


Everyone knows the importance of changing our bed sheets on a regular basis. But, what does that mean, exactly? What constitutes a “regular basis”? And is it really that important to change your sheets? Or is this just a lie spread by the detergent companies to get you to spend more money on their products?


For a lot of people, cleaning the bathroom can be an overwhelming task. Bathrooms too often get neglected because they sometimes need some special steps and cleaning materials beyond just a vacuum and a quick picking up. Bathrooms need to be deep-cleaned on a regular basis, and not everyone knows how to make this easy and efficient.


When it comes to the cleanliness of your home, you don’t want to cut corners — and neither do we. You can always expect the absolute best cleaning services with Clean Away Maids. And that’s what today’s blog is all about. We will take a look a look at the cleaning services we offer and why you can expect the very best in everything we do. As always, if you are not completely wowed by our unique cleaning service, then you can walk away without any pressure or hassle!


Life can be hectic. Between work and family, it can be difficult to find time to do much of anything else. After a busy day, the last thing most people want to do is wash and fold laundry. With Clean Away Maids, you don’t have to! We offer laundry service to Raleigh and surrounding areas.


There is a thrill that the spring season brings with it; the prospect of new life, longer days filled with more sunlight, and the ushering in of warmer weather! Spring is also the ideal time to purge your home of the germs that may have accumulated over the long winter season. At Clean Away Maids, we have put together a list of tips and tricks to aid in the daunting quest of spring cleaning. With a little organization and motivation, spring cleaning does not have to be so dreadful. Come along with us as we explore ways to make the task a simpler and more enjoyable one!


While carpets retain heat and add to the comfort to your home, you may be baffled by all the nasty things that live within the depths of your carpet. Dirty carpets are not only hazardous to your health, but they can also cause rancid smells and unsightly stains.


Whether you travel for a living, are a stay-at-home parent, or simply have little time to keep up with household chores, Clean Away Maids offers a variety of cleaning services that add value to your home. Cleaning services will look different for every family, which is why Clean Away Maids offers so many cleaning options.


It’s the beginning of November, which means the holiday season will soon be upon us. Between Thanksgiving and the winter holidays, the next couple of months will be full of parties, trips, and visits from family and friends. Before that whirlwind of fun and chaos gets going, now is the perfect time to make sure your home is ready for everything coming up. This season, here’s why you should hire professional cleaning services to help you get your home ready for the holidays:


Have you ever known someone who takes the time to clean their house top to bottom before their cleaning service arrives? The idea alone probably calls to mind the morals of a ‘50s housewife, someone too concerned with appearances to let a soul into their home unless it’s perfectly polished and spotless. Let’s face it, cleaning before a housekeeper comes over sounds like a silly idea. Most of us hire cleaning services to handle the house cleaning, so why on earth would anyone take the time to clean ahead of their cleaning services? However, the truth is that ridiculous-sounding idea actually holds some impressive benefits. Toss the notions of silliness aside because cleaning up before your house cleaning service can actually be a really great idea.


Have you ever seen the 1960s cartoon series The Jetsons? It may have been a silly cartoon, but some of the imagined innovations remain appealing, even to adults. Flying cars seem so helpful, but there were also little details like dinner at the press of a button and helpful robots or machines to handle the day to day chores. After all, what parent hasn’t wished for laundry that would fold itself? While technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, most of us could still use an extra set of hands to get the house clean, the laundry done, and dinner on the table.

Whether on a weekly basis or just for a special occasion, hiring professional cleaning services is a great way to get that extra help you need. However, we are also talking about letting a stranger into your home, so before you dive in, it’s important to take a few safety precautions. Before you hire an individual or a professional house cleaning service, start by asking a few important questions.


We’re well into summer now, which means that families around Greensboro and across North Carolina are busy packing up their worldly possessions, saying farewell to the neighborhood, and otherwise preparing to move. Whether you’re moving across town or moving to a new state, there are myriad things to juggle. Once everything is out of the house, the last thing on your mind is giving your home a final clean — but it’s an important part of any moving process. If you’re moving out of a rental, a poor cleaning job could cause you to forfeit your deposit or pay additional fees. If you’re selling the home, a lackluster cleaning job could potentially affect the sale. Either way, the consequences aren’t great, so circumvent those problems and make sure the house gets cleaned.


Cleaning your home is something you can absolutely do yourself — and we definitely hope you do! Of course, sometimes life gets too hectic and things like dusting and vacuuming often slip by the wayside in favor of more impactful chores like laundry and grocery shopping. But for many out there, hiring a cleaning service feels like a waste because it’s something most of us can do ourselves. Are you on the fence about having a cleaning service help you out? Here are a few times that cleaning services are worth every cent:


Think about the feeling of sheets fresh from the dryer, while they’re still warm and smell like clean laundry soap. It’s such a small thing, but so comforting. With that in mind, how is it that so many of us forget to change our sheets, when that’s the reward? Life gets busy and those seemingly small details can easily fall through the cracks and, before you know it, it’s been a month and your sheets are still unwashed. Yuck! If you’re unsure just how frequently your sheets — or any other laundry — should be washed, take it from the pros. Clean Away Maids offers a professional laundry service, so we know what we’re talking about!


Spring has pretty well sprung here in Greensboro. Seasonal showers are bringing back the blooms and it feels like the world is waking up after the drudgery of winter. Winter often comes with a lot of mess and muck, and spring blows in an entirely different set of environmental effects. With that in mind, there’s a reason so many suggest a thorough deep cleaning of your home around this time of year. If you’re not sure where to begin with your spring cleaning, professional cleaning services can help! Try these tips from the Clean Away Maids team, or give us a call for personalized home cleaning services.


Busier Than Ever

It’s no secret that Americans are working longer hours and spending more time outside of our homes. Renters and homeowners alike are feeling the financial squeeze, and it’s starting to take a toll on our apartments and houses. If you’re like the majority of Americans who are under financial and time restraints, your home could absolutely use some professional cleaning services from Clean Away Maids. Whether you’re looking for you carpet to be vacuumed, cobwebs to be removed, or your bathrooms cleaned to a shimmering state, the pros at Clean Away Maids have the experience, know-how, and customer dedication to get the job done and to get it done right. Take a look below for some signs it’s time to give Clean Away maids a call.

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Ditch The Dirt

It can be difficult to keep your home clean all of the time. Between work, after school activities with the kids, and all of the curveballs life throws our way, keeping up with house cleaning can seem like an impossible task. And, for some of us, our clutter can overtake our homes without us even realizing it. Are you feeling overwhelmed by the mess that seems to have appeared out of nowhere in your home? Take a read below to learn more about how Clean Away Maids can help.

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Not Your Average Cleaning Company

When you think of a cleaning service that comes in to clean your home, what do you think of? Maybe you’re one the unfortunate many who haven’t had the best experience with a cleaning company, leaving you with unpleasant memories of a small team of cleaners who dirtied your floors and scuffed your walls while marginally cleaning your countertops and bathrooms. Or, perhaps you’ve had good experiences with cleaning companies, but their services fell short of your needs. Either way, your previous experience has lead you to look elsewhere for other cleaning services, leading you to Clean Away Maids. And we’re glad you’re here!


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